
The epitome of marketing, according to Peter Drucker, inbound marketing is perhaps the least understood subdivision of marketing. In fact, it's so poorly understood that many modern marketers have started to misuse the term — using it specifically as a synonym for Internet marketing or generally as an antonym for outbound marketing. This couldn't be farther from the truth; in fact, Internet marketing is just a particular instance of outbound marketing.

So what, then is inbound marketing? Inbound marketing is the conductor of the marketing orchestra, and the different instruments are outbound marketing, corporate strategy, sales, customers, product development, and competitive positioning. Broadly, it can be divided into two disciplines: product management and market research.

Market Research

Market research is the effort to gather information about your target markets, customers, and competitors (in all cases, whether current or potential). This information, in turn, is used to inform decisions about product direction, pricing, messaging ... in short, every aspect of your business.

C. W. Richardson & Assoc. believes, as with everything that we do, that we should start with the easiest, most cost-effective methodologies, and move on from there, as necessary. For starters, we'll talk to you. Once we understand your true research needs we can recommend and implement the proper approach.

Product Management

Products and services which provide unique, differentiated value to your customers are the single most effective driver of business success. Product management (sometimes known as product line management, particularly in larger businesses) is the art and science of establishing those benefits and differentiators which drive value.

Our product management experts work closely with your company, and with the rest of our organization to help you create this value. Whether that's expanding or changing your channels, entering an adjacent market, or even defining a new product or service offering. From strategy to full product life-cycle management, we help you stay on track towards achieving your goals.

Contact us now to learn exactly what we can do to help your business achieve your goals.